Our Premium Deck Restoration service is perfect for heavily weathered decks that need a fresh start. We remove dirt, stains, and old coatings, sand the surface to restore the wood's natural beauty, repair minor damage, and apply up to three coats of premium decking oil for long-lasting protection. This service is ideal for decks showing visible cracks, discoloration, or peeling finish— bringing your outdoor space back to life with a smooth, durable finish.
Book your Free Deck Inspection today and let Deck Care bring your deck back to life.
Our Chemical Wash and Sand service is a cost-effective solution for decks that need a deep clean and surface preparation without the final oil application. This service includes professional chemical cleaning to remove dirt, mold, and old coatings, followed by sanding to create a smooth, refreshed surface. It's perfect for homeowners who prefer to apply decking oil themselves or want to save on restoration costs while still ensuring their deck is properly cleaned and prepped for protection.
Book your Free Deck Inspection today to find the best option for your deck.
Our Annual Maintenance service is designed to keep your deck looking fresh year after year. This service includes a cleaning to remove surface dirt and grime, followed by buffing to smooth out minor imperfections without removing the existing finish. We then apply one thick coat of the same premium oil previously used to refresh and protect the deck from UV rays, rain, and daily wear. This is the perfect option for decks that have been recently restored and need regular care to extend their lifespan.
Book for your Annual Maintenance today and protect your deck investment.
Our DIY Deck Restoration Kits provide everything you need to restore your deck yourself. Each kit includes high-quality chemical solutions for stripping existing finishes, deep cleaning, and restoring the natural wood color. This option is perfect for homeowners with strong DIY skills looking to save money, as well as professional contractors who need premium products for their projects.
Along with the kit, you'll receive a step-by-step guide on how to use the products effectively. You will need professional equipment such as a pressure washer, sanding machine, and painting tools — all of which can be rented from our service partners or purchased at Bunnings.
Before purchasing, a free consultation with our specialist is required to ensure you select the right products and understand the process. Our team is always available to answer your questions and guide you through your DIY journey.
Get in touch today to find out which DIY Kit is right for your deck.
Our New Deck Construction service transforms your outdoor space from vision to reality. We offer a full-cycle service — from design consultation and architectural planning to high-quality deck installation. Whether you're envisioning a cozy backyard retreat or a large entertainment area, our team works closely with you to create a custom design that fits your lifestyle and property.
Every deck is built using premium materials and craftsmanship, with a focus on durability and aesthetics. As part of our commitment to quality, your first year of Annual Maintenance is completely free when you build your deck with us.
For customers who subscribe to our annual maintenance service, we offer an exclusive 10-year guarantee — ensuring your deck remains in perfect condition for years to come.
Contact us today to start designing your dream deck.
Our Deck Rebuild service is the perfect solution for decks that have deteriorated beyond repair but still hold sentimental or design value. If your deck’s structure is rotting or unsafe, yet you want to preserve its original layout and style, we will completely rebuild the deck from the ground up using modern, durable materials — while replicating the original design.
We carefully dismantle the existing deck, assess the foundation, and install a brand-new frame with premium timber or composite materials. Our team works closely with you to retain the original aesthetics while reinforcing the structure for long-term durability.
As part of the service, your first year of Annual Maintenance is free, and customers who subscribe to our maintenance plan receive an exclusive 10-year guarantee for complete peace of mind.
Book your Free Deck Inspection today to discuss your deck rebuild options.
We offer a wide range of carpentry services — from replacing a few damaged boards to rebuilding entire deck foundations. No job is too small or too big for our team. Whether it's fixing loose steps, reinforcing joists, or custom carpentry work, we approach every project with care and attention to detail. Our goal is to help you maintain your deck in top condition and extend its lifespan.
If you're not sure whether your deck needs minor repairs or a full rebuild, contact us today for a free inspection and consultation.
We love our customers, book a free deck inspection today and we will come on site.
No Fees, No Spam, No Obligations — Just Honest Advice.
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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